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爍暘公司創立於2005年,致力於提供專業的產品、高科技品質與客戶的信賴。創辦人Robert Yen先生在創立公司前已經擁有多年與國外廠商合作的經驗,如德國 Mennekes 台灣代理 (Mennekes Taiwan曼奈柯斯台灣 or曼奈克斯台灣 ). 爍暘目前代理數家歐洲工業用領導品牌. 提供最高品質的電機產品 廣泛使用在國內外, 石油化學, 鋼鐵, 高鐵, 台灣鐵道, 捷運, 飛機場, 發電廠, 港口貨櫃碼頭, 船舶, 及高科技廠房………等輕重工業及重大公共工程.
舉凡 IEC 60309 插頭插座、EN 60309 插座、CEE 插頭插座、工業插頭插座、動力插頭插座、電力插頭插座、防水插頭插座、連接器、中繼型、逆蕊插座、掛壁插座、盤面插座、明裝插座、暗裝插座、附加插座、面板插座、裝置插頭、Schuko 插頭插座、Nema 插座、相序檢測插頭、相位轉換插頭、組合式插座箱、岸電插頭插座、碼頭插頭插座、冷藏集裝箱插座、冷凍貨櫃插頭插座、風力發電插頭插座、遊艇插頭插座、燈光舞台插頭插座、電焊機插頭插座、發電機插頭插座、維修插頭插座、大電力插頭插座、輔助接點插座、工廠插頭插座、體育場插頭插座、車廠插頭插座、賽車場插頭插座 等等.
Suntech Electric Co. Ltd. was established in 2005 to provide professional products of high quality and cutting edge technology with reliable services. Through many years of collaboration with prominent overseas manufacturers, our General Manager Mr. Robert Yen offers a wealth of experience accumulated prior to the founding of Suntech Electric.

Suntech Electric is an active agent for several prominent European brands that provide top quality electrical components widely used within Taiwan and overseas. Under Robert’s leadership, Suntech Electric supplies a comprehensive range of products for:
-The petrochemical industries and steel industries
-High speed railways, railways (the Taiwan Railways), metro systems, airports, power plants, shipyards, OEM factories, semiconductor factories, etc.
-Contractors for light and heavy industry projects to large-scale public works projects
We represent and distribute for the following manufacturers from Europe :

CEEform Plugs & Receptacles. (Current16, 32, 63, 125, 200A -400A )
工業及冷凍貨櫃專用防水插頭插座 . 組合式動力維修插座箱 .

Flat Cable Systems . Terminals. Junction Boxes. Electromagnetic.
各種扁平電纜系統 , 各種軌道式端子板 , 接線盒 , 電子模組 .

Luminaires Connectors. Connecting Systems.
各種燈具接線用端子座 , 及電源快速插拔接頭 .

Instrument Protection Enclosures . Explosion-proof Heaters.
GRP 工業專用儀器保護箱 , 防爆加熱器 . ATEX/CENELEC, CSA/NRTL, GOST.

Cable Glands for Hazardous Locations.
各種防水及防爆電纜接頭 . ATEX, CENELEC, CSA, GOST.

Components for low and medium voltage networks
各種低壓及中壓電纜夾具 .

Cable and pipe penetration systems

台北市11491瑞光路76巷65號3樓 -TEL: 02-8791-2168 -FAX : 02-8791-1168 - E-mail:
Copyright ©2006 Suntech Electric Co., Ltd.. All rights reserved.